Hi everyone,
My name is Jesus Federico. I am part of the bigbluebutton development team
and also the lead developer of bigbluebutton integrations with third part
Despite the intentions we have had in the past of writing a BigBlueButton
integration for Apereo OAE, this is the first time we are seriously taking
over this project. Mainly because it is the first time we have resources in
place to get this done. Jacqueline has just joined our team this year and
she is going to be working full time on this project for the next few
months, along with Gustavo Salazar (BigBlueButton core developer leading
the group in Ecuador) and myself who are going to be coaching her in
BigBlueButton matters and also working on this project part time.
As it has been done with other integrations developed or maintained by us
(Sakai CLE, Moodle, LTI, Wordpress, Drupal, Joomla) our goal is to write
this component and openly contribute it to the project/community, to assume
its maintenance and to provide support to users and deployers. But for this
to be accomplished we are really going to need your help and guidance. We
see this project more as collaborative than just a contributed one. With
all the required parts involved (BBB developers working on it, OAE
developers coaching us, and users/deployers validating functional
requirements and helping with testing) hopefully we can have a first
version released by the first days of June :).
Our "official" repository is in github and we are going to be using the
name suggested by Nicolaas.
Regarding to functionality I agree with Niccolas
Post by Nicolaas MatthijsFor example, what about adding `BigBlueButton Meeting` as an option to the
`Create` menu, allowing you to invite users and groups into them (or even
create institution-wide/public meetings)?
It might be better from a usability perspective to have the availability of
meetings inside the common UI. Keeping simplicity in mind this is our
vision of how the component should look like once deployed. Please take a
look and give us your feedback. You will find marked in blue the parts that
change in OAE or that offer some interaction in the mockup.
I find this approach closer to the interactivity offered by the
"discussion" component. Do you guys think that we can base the logic for
the meeting component in that one plus the ability to be selective for
multi-tenancy? Perhaps we are not looking in the right direction as we
don't really know the architecture so we can not tell when the line between
widget and core components is crossed. It may be something that can not be
done right now.
And yes, I agree with Cly
Post by Nicolaas MatthijsIt seems that at some level the project would be well-advised to supply
some design guidance, though I don't know what form this could take, in
order to improve use and adoption of new widgets.
We haven't started yet, so I am just putting this on the table for open
Best regards,
*Jesus Federico*
Software Engineer, Blindside Networks Inc.
jesus at blindsidenetworks.com
skype: jesus.federico
I'm ok with clay, I participate a hosting multi-tenant for the France.
Post by Nicolaas MatthijsAnd I think some institutions can be intersting by a new widget.
But the code is shared for all tenants hosts which can cause tensions if
we impose a new widget.
Le 12 mars 2014 ? 13:55, Clay Fenlason <clay.fenlason at et.gatech.edu> a
One of the difficulties with widget development we've frequently wrestled
with is the design implication. On the one hand, we want to encourage a
rich ecosystem of development. On the other hand, we want a holistic
experience that's attractive and easy to use. Past experience suggests that
these two goals are in tension.
I don't think we've figured out a way to balance these concerns well yet.
The old (Nakamura-days) approach threaded the needle by focusing on widgets
that would embed into Sakai docs, rather than widgets which would make
decisions about higher level navigation, etc. This is no longer our
It seems that at some level the project would be well-advised to supply
some design guidance, though I don't know what form this could take, in
order to improve use and adoption of new widgets. Or is there a way to
abstract out widget functionality that could allow for custom design
decisions (e.g. whether to put it in the lefthand menu or under the Create
drop-down, with appropriately contextualized appearance). That might
require a sophisticated front end framework which I don't think we have
(but don't really know).
But as a representative of one deploying institution, I do know that
before adding a widget I will no longer be satisfied by merely hearing
about the new functionality it brings. I will want to hear about the design
considerations and usability testing that demonstrate that the widget is
well placed, consistent and integrated into the user experience.
On Wed, Mar 12, 2014 at 7:46 AM, frederic dooremont <
Post by frederic dooremontHi all,
can be good idea will be to create in Global admin an entry for activate
the widget tenant by tenant ?
Le 12 mars 2014 ? 12:24, Nicolaas Matthijs <
Hi Jacqueline,
I would recommend creating a new GitHub repository called
`oae-bigbluebutton`, which contains all BigBlueButton related widgets. When
an institution wants to pull in these widgets, they can just add the link
to your GitHub repository in their package.json file, and the widgets will
automatically be included.
If you wanted to place the widget underneath the My Network page, you
could just create your widget and add it to the configuration of the left
hand navigation in `/ui/js/me.js`. Let me know if you'd like any pointers.
Having said all of that, it might be worth thinking about alternative
ways of exposing the integration to an end user. For example, what about
adding `BigBlueButton Meeting` as an option to the `Create` menu, allowing
you to invite users and groups into them (or even create
institution-wide/public meetings)?
Hope that helps,
Thanks for your response
My team would like to place the option of bigbluebutton in the left side
of the page, under "My network".
I would like to know if this is posible because I notices its a widget.
How can I place my BigBlueButton option there?
On Tue, Mar 11, 2014 at 11:19 AM, Nicolaas Matthijs <
Post by Nicolaas MatthijsHi Jacqueline,
Unfortunately, the old Widget SDK has been taken offline because it's
too out-of-date at this point. However, widgets are still a core technology
and we'd love to help out getting you up and running on creating a
BigBlueButton widget.
The core OAE UI widgets can be found in `/node_modules/oae-core`. There
are a lot of examples in there, but the `footer` widget is probably the
easiest to get a good sense of the structure of a widget.
Did you have any ideas on how you'd like the widget the work and where
you'd like it to appear? Do you know if any back-end level integration will
be required as well?
Thanks in advance,
On 11 Mar 2014, at 15:28, Jacqueline Ramos <jackie.ljrm at gmail.com>
Post by Jacqueline RamosHi.
I am trying to integrate bigbluebutton with apereo OAE and I can't
find documentation bout widgets.
Post by Jacqueline RamosCould you please help me?
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