Post by Branden VisserWe haven't tested it, but the CQL3 migration in 5.0 means that we'll
be better suited to jump to later versions of 2.X. We'd welcome any
testing you guys are able to do on Cassandra 2.0, as there is no
longer any reason to believe that we wouldn't be compatible.
For what it?s worth, I?ve been doing local development on Cassandra 2.0.6 since we upgrade to CQL3 and haven?t encountered any issues yet.
That anecdotal evidence shouldn?t be used to make production decisions though :).
Post by Branden VisserHi Frederic,
On Fri, Mar 21, 2014 at 11:30 AM, Fr?d?ric Dooremont
Post by Frédéric DooremontHi all,
We have upgraded OAE to 5.0 with cassandra 1.2.15 but we had to configure partitioner to the cassandra 1.1 default of org.apache.cassandra.dht.RandomPartitioner.
Is it advised to use org.apache.cassandra.dht.Murmur3Partitioner as partitioner? If this is the case, how do we migrate the data?
Cassandra 1.2 I believe introduced the Murmur3 partitioner, and it
recommends using that one at least for new clusters. Using one or the
other won't impact OAE, it should only impact Cassandra. That means
that you can do what suits your deployment best.
Their documentation states that the Murmur3 partitioner introduces a
"faster" md5 hash of the keys with no degradation on distribution,
that's good! Whether "fast" means better hash latency, CPU usage or
both I haven't dug that deep. You'll need to determine if the speed
benefit is worth a migration of your data though.
We run Cassandra 1.2.10 and use the 1.1 RandomPartitioner. We don't
have any plans at this point to migrate. It might come into
consideration if our 3 node cluster starts getting close to being
Post by Frédéric DooremontIs cassandra 2 supported by OAE 5.0?
We haven't tested it, but the CQL3 migration in 5.0 means that we'll
be better suited to jump to later versions of 2.X. We'd welcome any
testing you guys are able to do on Cassandra 2.0, as there is no
longer any reason to believe that we wouldn't be compatible. I think
we are due for an upgrade from 1.2.10, but wanted to wait for DataStax
versions to surpass that Cassandra version and let other Cassandra
users get production experience there first.
Post by Frédéric Dooremontkind regards
Jean-Fran?ois Florent et Frederic
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